
How To Put A Picture On A White Background In Photoshop

Practice y'all have a photo with a background colour you don't similar? Nosotros're here to show you the step-by-step process of how to change background colour in Photoshop.

It takes some patience, but it's so easy to do. So let's go started!

photo of red sneakers with a white balloon and yellow background

Footstep 1: Cull Your Photo

The quality of your finished image depends on the amount of time you spend on the process.

If it's your beginning time to change groundwork color in Photoshop, cull an paradigm with sharp edges and a clean background. This will be easier to work with than a more complex limerick.

photo of red sneakers with a white balloon and pink background

Here are some things to avert when yous are new to isolating a subject to change the background color:

  • Hair that's loose, frizzy, spiked or not polish;
  • Subjects with detailed edges;
  • Annihilation with edges not in focus;
  • Motility mistiness;
  • A groundwork that blends with the subject.

Step two: Create Two Layers

Open your photo in Photoshop and make a duplicate layer (Ctrl or Cmd +J). Then plough off the original layer.

screenshot of editing an image in Photoshop

Make a solid layer past clicking the 'Create New Fill up or Adjustment Layer' icon in the 'Layers Panel'.

Choose 'Solid Color' from the acme.

Pick a color close to the background you will use, or choose white.

Step iii: Select the Subject area

Click on the 'Quick Pick' tool in the 'Tools Panel'. Then click on the option 'Select Subject'. It's in the summit bar higher up the image.

If the edges of your option aren't precipitous, Photoshop will let you know that information technology cannot notice a prominent field of study. If y'all see this, effort other tools such as the 'Magic Wand' or 'Object Choice' tool.

screenshot of editing an image in Photoshop

Step 4: Clean up the Edges

Unless your subject is super abrupt, the resulting selection will not be perfect. Then the next step is to polish it.

Go along the 'Quick Selection' tool selected. And click on the 'Select and Mask' pick box above your photo. Doing this opens a new window where y'all can brainstorm to refine your selection.

Use the 'Refine Edge' castor to include edges that blend too much with the background.

To help y'all see the issue of this castor, select either 'Overlay' or 'On White'. These options are in the 'View' panel on the correct side of your screen.

You can adjust the opacity to a signal where yous can see the effect of the brush as y'all use it.

Here is an case showing the 'Overlay' option from the view console at 50% opacity.

screenshot of editing an image in Photoshop

Work your fashion around the edge in a clockwise direction to make sure you embrace the whole outline.

Y'all tin can control the size of this brush by using the [ and ] keys. You can also control the result better by using the 'Radius', 'Smooth', 'Feather', and 'Dissimilarity' sliders. These are on the panel at the right of your photo.

Experiment with these controls. You lot'll observe the best balance for the different areas of the image. They will have a varied outcome depending on the detail of your photo.

close-up photo of the shoelaces of a pair of red sneakers

In one case you are happy with your choice, switch the 'View' to 'Black and White'. Without the distraction of color, you tin can ameliorate run into how your edges expect.

screenshot of editing an image in Photoshop

If there are no further changes to make in the 'Output To Box', select 'Layer Mask' and click OK.

Footstep v: Paint on the Layer Mask

Now you have a new mask on your layer. If you want to refine the fuzzy edges further, use the brush tool.

Fix information technology to fifty% blackness, and paint on your field of study to erase and parts you do not wish to see. Set it to 50% white, and pigment over the background, which is however visible, to erase it.

Using the brush at l% or lower opacity gives you more precise control. Doing so helps blurred or fuzzy areas of the edges wait more natural.

screenshot of editing an image in Photoshop

Step 6: Select and Isolate Your Subject

Press Ctrl or Cmd and click on the layer mask to select the bailiwick. At present duplicate the choice to a new layer using Ctrl or Cmd + J.

Hide other layers, so you but see your isolated subject and non the background.

In this pace, you can too resize your canvas if yous wish. This stride is helpful if you want to add some text with your photo. Or, if you're going to make a blended with other images on the same groundwork.

I chose to crop the epitome foursquare because it looks best on Instagram. Merely you can endeavour other sizes, too.

screenshot of editing an image in Photoshop

Pace seven: Make a Solid Fill for Your New Background

In the Layers Panel, click on the 'Create New Fill or Aligning Layer'.

Select 'Solid Color' from the height and choose the color you want your new background to be.

photo of red sneakers with a white balloon and a turquoise background

Now how do I change the background color to white in Photoshop? Just choice the color picker, cull white, and you lot're adept to become!

Of grade, you don't demand to limit yourself to solid colors. Yous can try a realistic background likewise.

photo of red sneakers with a white balloon and a brick background


Irresolute background color in Photoshop is a unproblematic procedure in one case you become used to it. Once you isolate the subject, selecting the groundwork color is as easy as clicking on the colour picker.

Practice this method as much as you can you'll find it useful, especially on social media.

And don't forget to bear witness us your results in the comments section!

Desire to learn more than about post-processing techniques? Check out our course Effortless Editing with Lightroom adjacent!

Why not check our articles on best apps to add together background to photos or how to batch resize in Photoshop besides!

How To Put A Picture On A White Background In Photoshop,


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