
How To Test Your Water For Lead

This article contains:

  • What are the potential sources of atomic number 82 in drinking water?
  • Why is lead potentially dangerous?
  • How do I know how much lead my drinking water contains?
  • Want to test your water or other sources for lead?
  • What firsthand steps can I take to reduce lead exposure?
  • References and further reading

What are the potential sources of pb in drinking h2o?

Lead tin be found in air, food, soil and water.

High levels of lead in drinking water can be caused by a range of sources:

  • The property has lead pipes
  • The property has taps or fittings fabricated of contumely which contain atomic number 82
  • The property has copper pipes with lead based solder*

*The use of pb solder in domestic water systems was banned in 1987.

Normally lead enters drinking water because of the corrosion, a reaction between the water and the lead pipe or solder.  A low pH and a depression mineral content in water are common causes for corrosion. Water is considered to be difficult if information technology has a high mineral content such as salts containing calcium and magnesium.

In the UK, lead pipes are nearly common in homes built before the 1970'due south, they were often used to join a property to the public h2o supply.  Fifty-fifty when the use of lead pipes was stopped, sometimes, lead based solder was used to bring together copper pipes in lodge to save money. It has been suggested, that even brass faucets and plumbing fixtures which are apparently 'lead-free' may leach lead.

Lead levels can decrease equally a building ages, considering mineral deposits can class a blanket on the inside of the pipes if the water is not corrosive, this commonly takes about five years. Overall, lead levels may be highest in older houses because of the use of lead pipes, but can also occur in newer backdrop because of a lack of mineral deposits within pipes.

Quick Check List:

  • my house was built before 1970
  • my pipework is wearisome greyness or black, or has a swollen joint
  • there is a pregnant lady or young children drinking water in the property

Why is atomic number 82 potentially dangerous?

One time pb has entered the human body it is accumulated there; and just very slowly removed. Latest medical advice suggests that lead is most harmful when it is allowed to build upwards in the body. High levels of lead can cause serious damage to the brain, kidney, nervous organization and red blood cells. The greatest risk, even at short-term exposure, exists for:

  • Young children
  • Pregnant women

Lead is a toxic metal known to be harmful if inhaled or ingested. A potential lead exposure tin come up from different sources, including soil and dust, food (from contaminated containers or air), ambient air and water (generally caused by the aforementioned corrosion of plumbing). The caste of harm depends on the level of exposure from all sources.

  • Exam for lead in water
  • Examination for atomic number 82 in soil
  • Test for lead in urine, food or other organic substances

How exercise I know how much lead my drinking water contains?

You should have your water tested for lead, especially when you see lead pipes or signs of corrosion. Pb pipes are of ho-hum gray color, which are soft plenty so that they can easily exist scratched with a fundamental. Signs of corrosion are rusty coloured h2o, frequent leaks, stained dishes or laundry. If your home was built before 1970 the risk that it may have atomic number 82 pipes is college. The Uk maximum contaminant level for Pb in tap water prepare by DWI/DEFRA is 10µg/l (= 0.01mg/l = 0.01ppm).

When testing water for lead, make sure to apply water that has been sitting in the pipe for a while (like the first water flow in the forenoon) as atomic number 82 dissolves slowly in water.

Apply the like shooting fish in a barrel-to-use and reliable test kits to examination water for lead:

Watersafe Water Lead Test Kit (Double)

Dwelling Test Kit for Atomic number 82 – range (single): tests the level of lead in urine, saliva, water, dust, dirt, pigment, rice, milk, food, dishes, glasses. This test will requite an indication about the amount of lead included with a sensitivity of 0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.two, 0.five, 1.0, 2.0 ppm (parts per million).

Watersafe H2o Lead Test Kit (single or double ): tests the presence of lead in water. This test will give a positive consequence if lead is measured to a higher place 15ppb* (parts per billion) (or the equivalent of 1 drop in a large swimming pool). *15ppb = 0.015ppm (mg/l)

eXact LeadQuick Photometer: this handy little device is platonic for users who test for lead in water regularly. Information technology is waterproof, easy to utilise, delivers quick results with a high precision and testing range.

Desire to test your water or other sources for lead?

It is recommended that you exam h2o at different times of the day as the atomic number 82 content can vary depending how oft the pipes have been flushed. Information technology is especially important, to test the first flow of h2o in the morning – when the water has been sitting in the pipe for at least two hours.

  • Use a single or double lead water test kit, which indicates if lead is nowadays above 15ppb.
  • Employ a lead test kit, which measures the amount of lead in your water in ppm. This test can also be used to exam urine, saliva, foods (i.e. fish), paint, dishes, spectacles etc. Additionally this urine exam kits for pb tin can also be used to run across how much you & your family have potentially been exposed to lead.
  • Apply a lead soil test – check soil for lead with this authentic & sensitive test. Each packs includes 5 tests and results bachelor inside x minutes.
  • For regular testing of lead in h2o, the eXact LeadQuick Photometer is platonic
  • Alternatively, we also offer heavy metal test kits which tin exam the total amount of heavy metals in urine, water, food etc or water.

Should y'all find atomic number 82 in your drinking water, then we would strongly recommend to contact a health professional for farther communication and effort and find the source of the pollution.

What immediate steps tin I take to reduce lead exposure?

one) Lead in drinking water:

  • Don't consume h2o which has been sitting in the pipage for more than six hours, ie. overnight. Let the water run until it becomes equally cold as it tin get, ane washing up basin is commonly enough. This should be done for every tap – a shower will not flush your kitchen tap. Flushing is important because the longer h2o is exposed to lead pipes or solder, the more atomic number 82 it is likely to contain.
  • Don't consume water from the hot tap because hot water dissolves more than lead more chop-chop than cold water. Always utilize cold h2o to make baby formula.
  • If you tin, ie. have a private water supply, treat h2o to make it less corrosive, this should generally save money equally information technology reduces damage to plumbing.
  • There are some water filters available which can remove traces of lead, their effectiveness tin can vary and then make sure that you research your chosen product & modify filter cartridges regularly.
  • In the long-term information technology is recommended to supervene upon whatsoever lead pipes.

2) Lead in other sources:

  • Make certain children wash their hands later on playing outside.
  • Only remove paint if you are sure it contains no lead, otherwise contact an practiced to do so.
  • Don't shop food in open cans.

References and further reading:

Drinking Water Inspectorate

British Water britain

There are strict standards for the quality of drinking h2o within Europe mainly laid down in the EU Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC). These are based on advice from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Further Costless Resources:

Got a question about water testing? Effort our complete listing of Free Water Testing Resources. Here are the virtually frequently read guides:

  • Click here to download our Gratuitous Water Guide
  • Read an overview of the potential contaminants in your water
  • Why examination your water and water supply?
  • Unusual colours, smells and sense of taste of your water & further advice on finding the right examination kit
  • How to cull the right Water Testing Kit
  • Choosing the right water testing kit for a water improvement & purification organization, water cooler or a pool, spa or hot tub
  • How to empathize the results of your Quality Water Examination Kit
  • How to exam for atomic number 82 correctly and what immediate steps can exist taken to reduce lead exposure
  • How to get the best drinking water – which water filter?
  • How to check if my water filter is working?
  • How to test the pH of soap?
  • How to discover the source of a leak in a property
  • How to look after your hot tub safely and examination the water regularly
  • Commercial Applications for H2o Testing: Buyers Guide – Water Testing on vessels, ships equally well equally water tanks in remote locations

If y'all tin't find what you lot are looking for then please contact the states, as we can source many other exam kits. Discounts for bulk purchase available, please contact united states of america to discover out more.

Disclaimer: But opinions based upon our own personal experience or information detailed in academic journals or other publications is cited. This has been done exclusively for anyone who is interested in this subject area merely is not intended to replace proper analysis. We cannot accept responsibility and liability of whatever kind which may result from the application of this data. Nosotros ever recommend to consult an expert to hash out any examination results or get a full recommendation on the specific subject and specific to your state of affairs by an adept.

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How To Test Your Water For Lead,


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